Week 06

Attentive to our Phones vs. Being in the Moment

While technology has progressed we find it easier and easier to seclude ourselves from real life, friends, family, events, news, etc. We end up getting pretty much all of our information from our cellphones and media where we lack any sort of face-to-face communication where it's harder to interpret one's feelings and emotions. Especially being in the Instagram era teenagers look up to  "role models" who only want to "flex" their expensive and materialistic items and have superficial personalities. Watching and being obsessive about these A-list celebrities taking away from who we are meant to be and strips us from our identity since all we do is rely and support the rich and famous. I mean I understand if you have someone you look up to and you're inspired by them but isn't there a fine line between being your own person and being what someone else wants you to be. We photoshop, edit, slim, contour, purchase things for "clout" because in the end we think it'll make us happier, but does it really? Once we have that we want more and more and end up having too many things that we don't really need. We're constantly on Twitter and checking the trending hashtags but not focusing what's really in front of us which makes us less involved in the real world and doesn't allow us to make those strong and long lasting connections with others.


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