Week 05

Who is the Target Audience for T.V show Stranger Things?

As we all know the popular Netflix television show "Stranger Things" has been running for three years and has announced an upcoming fourth season. The television show has a "Rotten Tomatoes" score of 93% alongside numerous other positive reviews and approximately more than 40 million accounts have watched the latest season. For the most part we know that a wide age range of teenagers are huge fans of this Netflix original and can't wait for what's coming next but in-fact the television show is also intended for adults to enjoy. 

Stranger Things is set in the 1980's where vibrant fashion statements, iconic movie characters, courageous political movements, etc. were born. Did we forget that our parents lived that decade? The entire theme and aesthetic of Stranger Things is for adults (like your parents) to relive their glorious days of the 80s giving them that nostalgic feel of E.T, Dungeons and Dragons, and vinyl records. They can also remember the good times of hanging out with their college friends at the mall and spending late nights and the local ice cream shop downtown without a care in the world and living their best lives. 

The television show exemplifies the culture of America in the 80s by giving adults that spark and nostalgic feel of what they miss from growing up. Sure there are a few inaccuracies in the show but that didn't stop it from becoming one of America's most watched television shows . https://www.theamericanconservative.com/olmstead/stranger-things-the-power-of-nostalgia/ 


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