Week 02

         Deaf culture is often overlooked by society because in our eyes we don't know too many deaf people or generally just don't know any at all. However, there are 1 in 20 Americans that are deaf or have hearing deficiencies. In all there are an estimated 10,000,000 Americans that struggle with hearing or are functionally deaf. In America there are not many resources for deaf people that are able to go about their normal lives without a translator or a special type of aid.

         In October of 2018, Starbucks opened the first American "signing store"in Washington, D.C for customers who are unable to hear as well as others or not at all. The store hires employees who are affected by hearing deficiencies and/or those who are capable of using American Sign Language (ASL). As one of the biggest fast food chain restaurants this was a milestone for the deaf community where they decreased the communication barriers for those with hearing loss. Besides the employees who are able to utilize ASL to help the customers Starbucks implemented other helping aids like notepads, digital displays and even a console allowing the barista and customer to communicate back and fourth. In addition, this store is helping other Americans who do not know sign language by implementing a "sign of the week" so they will be able to widen their ASL vocabulary.


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