Week 12

The Digital Footprint and why its so Pertinent in Today's World

My digital footprint has been around for way longer than it should be. I started social media when I was 10. I know crazy right. That's not even the legal age someone can have a social media account. My first account was on Facebook, after begging my mom to have one after a year not realizing that what I would post as a pre-teen would haunt me for the rest of my life. As you get older you start knowing the game of social media and what's okay to post and what's not. Unfortunately for me it took a while. I'll admit I've gotten in trouble a few times for posting things I shouldn't of had and now being 19 I've definitely learned the rules of how to act and how to shape your online presence so you don't regret it in the future. I've even got a personal list of rules I believe people including me shouldn't post.

You're probably wondering why I wanted a Facebook so badly when I was 10 and it was because I wanted to fit in with my friends and wanted to be "cool". But having a social media account at a young age where everyone can see, including your extended family, does in-fact not make you cool it makes you cringey. Nonetheless that didn't stop me from making other social media accounts on different platforms. I learned to be careful with who I added and what kind of privacy policies I agreed to when I signed up. For the most part you just have to remember your rules when it comes to posting or else you're going to really regret it in the long run and find yourself working at Micky Ds just because of THAT post from nine years ago.


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