Week 10

The Most Important Value of Free Expression

I think the most important value from the given list of Free Expression would have to be "Protect Dissent". The main idea of this freedom of expression is to protect unpopular opinions by those who have dissenting positions from the majority view. Personally I believe that this is the most important expression because from my observations unpopular speech is often misunderstood, misinterpreted, and completely disregaurded by the opposing opinion that had majority votes. An example would be the contreversy of plus size models and questioning their worth and influence on society. Many people believe that plus size models promote the wrong kind of body positive and body image for women and young girls who are easily influenced by what they view on television and the media. However because of the freedom of protecting the dissenting opinion plus size models are able to stand up for themselves and advocate for the millions of other women who are struggling with their bodies and find it difficult to feel like they belong. Throughout the years standing up to fat shamers has created a new movement where "bodyposi" people are able to ensure to others that women should  feel comfortable in your own body and even though they may not fit the typical beauty standard of size they are still considered beautiful.

Backtracking to why protecting differing opinions is most important is because it allows the underdogs to stand their ground and interfere with mob mentality. It's a necessity because the majority opinion needs to be faced with dissenting views that challenge their thought process and make them reconsider their stance making them open to new ideas and concepts that they never conceived beforehand.


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